Florencius offers personalised education. This means that every child gets a personal plan in which we set goals and evaluate them on a regular basis. In this development plan, our 4 Qs are leading in order to help children develop into well-balanced human beings. Therefore, we offer the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and follow the British Standards.

The IPC is one of the fastest-growing curriculums in the world today. The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum for 5-12 year oldswith a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject. It is taught at 1.800 schools in 90 countries. 

The principle of the IPC is to focus on a combination of academic, personal and international learning goals for children worldwide. Students strive to achieve specific learning goals through a well-defined, student-led learning journey.

The IPC is designed to help children: 

  • Engage with their learning so they remain committed to learning throughout their school career and their life. 
  • Develop the personal qualities they need to be good citizens and to respond to the changing context of their lives in the future. 
  • Develop a sense of their own nationality and culture, while at the same time developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others. 

We use the IPC framework to teach history, geography, science, ICT, design technology, art, music, physical education and international-mindedness. The IPC allows the classroom and specialist teachers to deliver a range of complementary subjects that are linked into a unit of study by their association to a theme or topic. 

Learn more about the International Primary Curriculum?

See the website of the IPC.

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